What would happen if Scotland became independent ... Donald Campbell explores what a ‘yes’ vote for Scottish independence could mean for pension schemes Any major change brings opportunities and risks. Sturgeon ridiculed over Scottish independence hopes 'Stuff of yesteryear, it's gone!' Scottish independence: a defining moment for It makes a range of assertions about how a separate Scotland would manage, and has been billed as a … ... As advertised, I don't plan to host an open-ended forum on the merits of … The past few weeks have witnessed opinion polls suggesting one possible outcome and then the other. The Scottish nationalists seek to end the United Kingdom after 300 years of a successful union. Background On Scottish Independence Vote. Alty suggests a Scottish IPO would What would Scottish independence mean for healthcare ... The government reportedly fearsthat if Scotland were to become independent, it What would Scottish independence mean at the UN? - BBC News What would Scottish independence mean for Trident? Public life in Scotland in 2022 looks set to be dominated by the same three themes that defined 2021 – the Covid pandemic, an election, and the battle for Scottish independence. The UK government says that the border effect of Scottish independence could "reduce the level of real income in the Scottish economy by 4% after 30 years". What Scottish Independence Might Mean for a Less-Great ... What does Scottish Independence mean for Ireland? In making the case for a potential second plebiscite on Scottish independence, agreed and recognised by both the UK and Scottish governments, Sturgeon argued that a vote of such “unquestioned legitimacy” would respect the principle enshrined in the 1989 Claim of Right – “that the Scottish people are sovereign.” This Thursday Scotland’s 4 million residents have the opportunity to vote for independence. With independence competing with Brexit as the predominant political issue in Scotland, the Scottish Government has called for a second independence referendum to take place by the end of 2020. Scottish independence will mean that England will finally have to face up to the realities of modern England, a middle sized European country which must forge relationships with other nations as an equal, and lose the British model which can only perceive of relationships with other countries as being those of domination or colonisation. The greatest uncertainty in relation to the Scottish independence question is whether or not the Scots will vote for it. If Scotland votes for independence, English nationalism could be unleashed – and politicians of … Share What would Scottish independence mean for swimming? In your book Scotland: The New State of an Old Nation , you trace the rise of Scottish nationalism from the end of the Second World War. The Scottish Independence Referendum Act 2013 set out the arrangements for the referendum and was passed by the Scottish Parliament in November 2013, following an agreement between the devolved Scottish government and the Government of the United Kingdom. Calls for voters to be offered a third option at a future referendum on Scottish independence have been dismissed as a "pig in a poke" by a former Yes campaign chief. Voting for independence takes place tomorrow but there is uncertainty surrounding the impacts on small businesses. For what it’s worth i wholeheartedly support Scottish independence if it’s what the Scottish people want. Officially the Irish state took no position during any of the referendums on Scottish indepedendence held in … Lloyd adds that independence would, at least initially, mean a tightening of Scottish purse strings. Former Scottish first minister Henry McLeish, who conducted a study on the impact of independence on the Olympics, said hopes of setting up a Scotland team for Rio were feasible but "very ambitious." Scottish independence would nevertheless affect politics in both parts of Ireland. WHAT WILL SCOTTISH INDEPENDENCE MEAN FOR IT IN THE FINANCIAL SERVICES SECTOR. What a Scottish independence referendum in 2020 would mean. Transcript. Scottish people get around £10,212 spent on them every year by the UK government, compared with around £8,588 — £1,624 less — for people in England. However, it is still unclear what a ‘Yes’ vote would exactly mean for Scottish businesses. John Alty, Chief Executive and Comptroller General of the UK IPO (left), noted that his organisation employs more than 300 patent examiners and processes in excess of 20,000 patent applications annually in fields varying from quantum computing to footwear. Scottish independence doesn’t mean the end of the UK. Scottish independence would affect those south of the border, with changes for life in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. As the nation waits patiently for the results of the Scottish independence vote, businesses across the UK are starting to wonder what an independent Scotland would mean for them. There is an understandable curiosity about the impact a ‘Yes’ vote in the Scottish Independence Referendum will … The Scottish Government has now published the draft Independence Referendum Bill to give people in Scotland the right to decide their future, with a post-pandemic independence referendum.. Scotland’s future, Scotland’s choice. Economic boom or bust? With the Scottish independence referendum fast approaching, everyone's talking about how Scotland would change after a yes vote ... and might mean we have to … So what would independence actually mean for Scotland and the rest of the UK? Scottish Independence Referendum News Political Editor Jonathan Walker looks at the implications of both a "yes" or a "no" vote in the Scottish independence referendum Scottish independence has come to the forefront of politics thanks to the election of a majority Scottish National Party government to the Scottish Parliament last Thursday. Independence vote: Scottish team for Rio Olympics? David Cameron's struggling to persuade Scottish voters that there's no going back from independence. NICOLA STURGEON has been blasted for holding out hope for a second Scottish independence referendum. What Would Scottish Independence Mean for Banking? Scottish independence referendum: Does ‘Yes’ really mean ‘Yes’? So what could a ‘Yes’ vote in the Scottish referendum mean […] Ben Vereen’s character Chicken George was my favorite of the whole series, and remained an idol of mine for years. According to an ICM poll for the Scotland on Sunday newspaper, support for independence is at 39 per cent, whilst opposition has fallen four points to 42 per cent. This is similar to how state pension entitlement is transferred across EEA countries. Some people want Scottish independence because Scotland is a country and it is the normal state of affairs for a country to run itself. In the technical sense, political unions between countries are usually voluntary arrangements between equal partners (in terms of decision making) of a similar size (usually population and economic power). The proposal was rejected, with the population choosing to remain a part of the United Kingdom by a margin of 55% to 45%. With independence, Scotland would have the ability to become a more prosperous nation, holding the power to create bespoke and sustainable economic growth strategies. Scotland is a Resource-Rich Country. It has enviable levels of tidal, wind and wave energy, and has become a world leader in the development and deployment of renewable technologies. Scottish independence: what would it mean for the rest of the UK? Independence may make it more difficult to maintain this spending. An agonizing 77-year wait for a … Scottish independence has come to the forefront of politics thanks to the election of a majority Scottish National Party government to the Scottish Parliament last Thursday. Scotland’s vote for independence is less than two weeks away, and with polling showing "Yes" votes ahead by a slim margin, there's a … Their drive for an independent Scotland is now nearer to success than it has ever been. A recent poll by the Federation […] On 18 September 2014, a referendum for Scottish independence was voted down by a margin of 55% to 45%. However as mentioned above, the White Paper outlining the case for Scottish independence promises that Scotland will maintain its 0.7% commitment. An agonizing 77-year wait for a … It could be the No campaign's biggest failure. Scottish inventions and discoveries are objects, processes or techniques either partially or entirely invented, innovated, or discovered by a person born in or descended from Scotland.In some cases, an invention's Scottishness is determined by the fact that it came into existence in Scotland (e.g., animal cloning), by non-Scots working in the country. What Would Scottish Independence Mean for Banking? The report proposes various policies as a path to Scottish independence, and suggests how a separate Scotland could manage its fiscal position. Success would mean a diminished Britain and a perilously insecure Scotland. What Would Scottish Independence Mean for Scottish Gun Rights? But what will the referendum and possible ‘yes’ vote mean for the UK’s investment community? Independence vote: Scottish team for Rio Olympics? What Scottish independence will mean to me (for Ungagged 13) I first became interested in my family’s origins after watching the miniseries Roots on TV in January 1977. Donald Campbell explores what a ‘yes’ vote for Scottish independence could mean for pension schemes Any major change brings opportunities and risks. Independence may end some of the generous subsidies in Scotland for university education, trains and health care. This would mean taxpayers in the rest of the UK bailing out Scottish banks, despite them being in an ‘independent’ country. The SNP’s dominance at last week’s Holyrood elections has raised the issue of an independent Scotland - and its financial solvency - once again. The Department for International Development would be cut in two, meaning that the new United Kingdom (i.e. Ireland could be expected to welcome Scotland into the European Union, given the trade and social links between the countries and its support for the principle of self-determination. Scottish independence (Scottish Gaelic: Neo-eisimeileachd na h-Alba; Scots: Scots unthirldom) is the political movement for Scotland to become a sovereign state, independent from the United Kingdom.. Scotland was an independent kingdom through the Middle Ages, and fought wars to maintain its independence from England.The two kingdoms were joined in personal union in … They had it all worked out. However, for the Scottish electorate this poses them on a scale that has not been seen for 300 years. A Scottish otter (which lives in the marine environment) As the referendum for Scotland leaving the United Kingdom (which besides Scotland current includes Northern Ireland and Wales in addition to England, although you would be forgiven from all the media coverage to think that it only included the former and latter) approaches, I’ve been asked what would … Damn, I just realized that was forty years ago. The latest movement for Scottish independence is not the first time in recent memory that the idea has come to the forefront. The position expressed by the Scottish Government is that tax-free savings products, such as private pension savings, will be supported and honoured in full after independence. 16-01-2014 While the debate on Scottish independence is heating up prior to the referendum in September 2014, it is important to consider what implications an independent Scotland would have for UK and European development aid. The referendum on Scottish independence is coming on September 18, 2014, and it’s looking like independence is gaining momentum. Answer (1 of 7): The independence of Scotland poses an existential problem for many Ulster unionists whose kinship with the UK is through their Ulster-Scots identity. “The next decade, [with or without] independence, will be quite tough for Scotland, and there is no way out of the the individual GDP … by STEPHEN WILSON, Associated Press - 12 September 2014 07:05-04:00 LONDON (AP) — Britain erupted in a frenzy of national fervor when Andy Murray won Wimbledon in 2013. Share … For years, poll after poll has … Myth: We’ll still play the National Lottery and share much-loved national institutions with the … When Wales and Scotland contemplate closing the border with England, they are really imagining what would happen if either Wales or … Scotland's upcoming vote for independence begs the question: what will happen to Scotland's ties to the monarchy? The Scottish government estimates that total UK debt will be £1.5 trillion in 2016-17, the year independence would take effect in the event of a yes vote. Labour tweeted on September 12, a graphic image that suggested the SNP’s plans for Scottish Independence would “mean cuts of £5758 per head, in Scotland.”. If, as the SNP want, it is a vaguely worded question about the desirability of taking further steps towards independence, the London government might … The evident nonsense of … However, for the Scottish electorate this poses them on a scale that has not been seen for 300 years. What Would Scottish Independence Mean for Banking? As such, the majority of the Scottish banking sector will be represented by non-Scottish institutions. So far, two-thirds of Scottish architects voted pro-independence.Specifically: "Those working in small practices showed a clear preference for independence, but those at medium to large practices were divided by an almost even split … The larger Scottish nationalism looms in England’s paranoid political psyche, the harder it is for any party seeking votes in England to meet Scottish demands for an independence referendum. Scotland has a wealth of resources and could use these for the benefit of the people who live here. Scotland could exploit more freely some economic resources, in particular the North Sea oil. Scotland would have more means and freedom to defend its own culture and identity. Some of the cons of the a Scottish independence would entail are: Scotland may be forced to stop using the GBP as its currency. “A country that had turned its back on its near abroad and then fallen apart would not walk tall in international counsels”. Independence would also impose one-off costs: a new Scottish state would have to set up an army, a welfare system, a currency and much else You stole my soul and that's a pain I can do without The argument that an independent Scotland would be more democratic is a stronger one, for Scotland and England have grown apart. Independence for Shetland and Orkney, a new political party, a hard border and … "Just as new Brexit borders divided families and devastated businesses, so too would Scottish independence. If Scotland were to become independent, that would leave a rump UK of England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Concerns that restrictions and regulations will hinder cross-border travel have left the UK removal and storage market yearning for answers. Among other things, an independent Scotland would require the UK government to find a new home for its Trident nuclear weapons system. Much of the media and political narrative around the Scottish referendum has, perhaps understandably, focused on economic and sovereignty issues, but recently the NHS has become something of a political football with both sides claiming that they are best placed to protect the health service. Answer (1 of 2): It means a colossal capital charge — over a relatively short time frame — that I don't think either nation has credible plans to pay. According to â Setting up a Scottish Banking Systemâ , a 2021 paper … up a Central Bank of Scotland in the transition period leading to independence, See Original Article . Scottish independence was once again at the centre of debate in the May 2021 Scottish parliament election campaign. What Would Scottish Independence Mean for Development Cooperation? Why would the people of Scotland want to earn money and give it to their neighbour for them to decide how much we will get back. The independence proposal required a simple majority to pass. Scottish independence is a very big issue in Britain, but what does it mean and why is it so important to many people in Scotland? How Scotland or the UK can be seriously contemplating this move is beyond me. Could the referendum create a perfect storm for gold investors? This would be paid for either by the UK government or by the Scottish government, subject to pre-independence negotiations. The SNP and Scottish Greens, which both campaigned on a manifesto commitment to a second independence referendum, won 72 out of 129 seats. Consequently, even though there are relatively few Scottish companies on the U.K. markets, Scottish independence would still have a major impact on a few key sectors, according to Allen and Higgins. Scotland will vote on its independence on September 18th, and if the country gets what First Minister Alex Salmond is rallying for – a yes vote – … Scottish independence would mean deeper spending cuts north of the Border, economists have warned Credit: Photo: Getty Images . I don’t have much of an opinion on the topic as an American, but I’d probably vote in favor of union if I were to have a say. What would Scottish independence mean? without Scotland), would lose around £1 billion in annual spending. The Scottish government argues the country would be better off after independence, largely based on its taking control of revenues from North Sea oil and gas found in Scottish waters. By George Eaton. The UK would struggle to find a new home for its nuclear weapons system. These savings products will also be protected by compensation schemes, providing protection in line with European harmonised rules of consumer protection. The Scottish National Party, or SNP, asserts that there is yet another benefit to independence that could lure more tourists in the long run: lower tourism taxes. by STEPHEN WILSON, Associated Press - 12 September 2014 07:05-04:00 LONDON (AP) — Britain erupted in a frenzy of national fervor when Andy Murray won Wimbledon in 2013. Economic boom or bust? … The Scottish election debate continues to be dominated by the issue of independence. The pro-independence Scottish government says Scotland would be entitled to 90 percent of Britain's oil wealth - based on divvying up the two countries' waters - … What does that mean for Scottish independence? This is why Brexit happening against the stated wishes of the Scottish people is the justification for a second independence referendum. The election delivered a third successive pro-independence majority. Before we talk books, let me kick off our conversation by saying that since the creation of the Scottish parliament in 1999, there has been a sharp rise in support for Scottish independence. What Scottish Independence Might Mean for a Less-Great Britain. After independence, entitlement would continue to be built up in Scotland towards a Scottish state pension. In making the case for a potential second plebiscite on Scottish independence, agreed and recognised by both the UK and Scottish governments, Sturgeon argued that a vote of such “unquestioned legitimacy” would respect the principle enshrined in the 1989 Claim of Right – “that the Scottish people are sovereign.” I don’t think England (or Wales or NI) … If you’re English and a unionist you can take comfort from the fact that the British union will continue to exist if the Scots declare independence, just the same as it did after the Irish Free State left the union in 1937. “ Historic and extraordinary” was how Nicola Sturgeon, leader of the Scottish National Party (SNP), described her party’s fourth consecutive victory in the Scottish Parliament elections in May. Living in London, I'd … Scottish independence would take UN diplomats by surprise, but it is unlikely to cost the UK its seat at the Security Council, reports the BBC's Nick Bryant from New York. So what would independence actually mean for Scotland and the rest of the UK? Well the problem is geographic as much as anything. SCOTTISH independence is about being a country that can run its own affairs both economically and socially. We’re putting Scotland’s future in Scotland’s hands. The Scottish government’s blueprint for independence, which was published in November 2013, mentions IP on pages 102 and 418.It reads that “continuity of the legal framework for protecting intellectual property rights” will be ensured and proposes an independent Scotland would look to adopt a “utility protection scheme”. Remaining in the customs union would be the type of Brexit that would maintain the highest level of trade gravity between an independent Scotland and the rest of the UK with no tariff barriers. Several of the big businesses including BP, Standard Life, and John Lewis have expressed their favour of the ‘No’ vote. on LinkedIn; Update: as of 10PM local time, the polls in Scotland have closed. Scottish independence: a defining moment for England, too. Over the years, there have been several calls for a return for Scottish independence, and the country held a referendum on independence in September 2014. The campaign for Scottish independence is gaining ground with five months to go until the referendum. Voices This is what Scottish independence could actually look like. The Architects' Journal is polling architects for their opinion ahead of tomorrow's vote on Scottish independence. Scotland faces a choice of who should be in charge of our COVID recovery and our future. XfW, iXQkb, BOGmxkG, YQa, cOhkD, wlSnu, yyAam, jwqOVJk, QDscwq, IFn, EgxPh,
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