TOP2B - DNA topoisomerase 2-beta - Function Both representations show only the DNA-binding gate and not the ATPase segment. Thus, topoisomerase II introduces a transient double strand break in DNA. Specific inhibitors of topoisomerase II blocked transcription on chromatin templates, but did not affect transcription . We have recently shown that mouse topoisomerase IIalpha can substitute for the yeast topoisomerase II enzyme and complement yeast top2 mutations. DNA topoisomerase II is a homodimeric molecular machine that couples ATP usage to the transport of one DNA segment through a transient break in another segment. that DNA Topoisomerase II (Topo II) is also required to modulate the activity of the Su(Hw) insulator. We have recently shown that mouse topoisomerase IIalpha can substitute for the yeast topoisomerase II enzyme and complement yeast top2 mutations. PDF Difference Between Topoisomerase I and II Key Difference ... We demonstrate that in yeast, centromeric plasmids undergo a dramatic change in their topology as the cells pass through mitosis. Binding Cleavage Religation & Release 18. Mammalian cells express two genetically distinct isoforms of DNA topoisomerase II, designated topoisomerase IIalphaand topoisomerase IIbeta. Growing lines of evidence indicate that eukaryotic topoisomerase II . Cell Cycle-Dependent Control and Roles of DNA Topoisomerase II Introduces a single-strand break via transesterification at a target site in duplex DNA. Name Topoisomerase II Inhibitors Accession Number DBCAT000549 Description. They identified 2 classes of sequence, which represent the TOP2 isoenzymes TOP2A and TOP2B. (1989) sequenced human cDNAs that had been isolated by screening a cDNA library derived from a mechlorethamine-resistant Burkitt lymphoma cell line (Raji-HN2) with a Drosophila Topo II cDNA. Topoisomerase II has the tricky job of untangling the coiled DNA and nicking both strands of DNA using its two sets of 'jaws.' These strong jaws cleave, or split, not just one . Type II topoisomerase - Wikipedia Key decatenating enzyme that alters DNA topology by binding to two double-stranded DNA molecules, generating a double-stranded break in one of the strands, passing the intact strand through the broken strand, and religating the broken strand. Function. Human cells contain 2 topoisomerase II isozymes: alpha (TOP2A; 126430) and beta (TOP2B). . To achieve this, the Topo II enzyme performs a unique cata-lytic cycle known as the strand passage reaction (SPR), where a transient double-strand break in one double helix is made, A non-canonical function of topoisomerase II in ... The overall function of DNA topoisomerase is to manage the topological state of the DNA in the cell. Type IB Topoisomerase Functions via a Controlled Rotation Mechanism 17. Topoisomerase I and II are two enzymes responsible for fixing topological problems of the DNA double helix. Irinotecan. Topoisomerase II: a fitted mechanism for the chromatin ... • Topoisomerase I relaxes DNA supercoils by permitting the cleaved duplex DNA's loosely held downstream segment to rotate relative to the tightly held upstream segment. OMIM Entry - * 126431 - TOPOISOMERASE, DNA, II, BETA; TOP2B topoisomerase Flashcards and Study Sets | Quizlet This . We have isolated cDNA encoding DNA topoisomerase II and have localized the gene on Functional compatibility between isoform α and β of type ... International Journal of Molecular Sciences 18, no. Search for other works by this author on: . These drugs act in an insidious fashion and kill cells by increasing levels of covalent topoisomerase II-cleaved DNA complexes that are normally fleeting . LC-MS/MS analysis identifies TCA cycle intermediates as stimulators of topo II activity. Eukaryotic topoisomerase II is a homodimer, and each subunit forms a covalent bond between a tyrosine residue of each subunit and the 5′ phosphate of DNA. Topoisomerase: A class of enzymes that alter the supercoiling of double-stranded DNA. Topoisomerase II poisons also are powerful clastogens inducing lethal and carcinogenic chromosomal aberrations. "Non-Catalytic Roles of the Topoisomerase IIα C-Terminal Domain." Journal Articles. Immunohistochemistry (Formalin/PFA-fixed paraffin-embedded sections) analysis of human laryangeal squamous cell carcinoma labelling Topoisomerase II alpha with ab12318 at 1/1000 (1µg/ml). Clarke, D J, and Y Azuma. The function of the topoisomerase II is cutting both strands of one DNA double helix and passes another unbroken DNA helix through it. There are two types or families of this enzyme; type I . Topoisomerase type I cuts one strand whereas topoisomerase type II cuts both strands of the DNA to relax the coil and extend the DNA molecule. Topoisomerase I has several unusual features. DNA topoisomerase II completely removes DNA intertwining, or catenation, between sister chromatids before they are segregated during cell division. Both isoforms can complement the single form of the enzyme in yeast , but in mammals only Top2α can provide the type II topoisomerase functions required for DNA propagation, such as chromosome condensation and segregation (32, 53). 268, No. The type IIA topos include prokaryotic DNA gyrase (gyrase) and topoisomerase IV (topo IV), and eukaryotic topoisomerase II (topo II) (Figure 4A). Mammals have two isoforms of Topoisomerase II with similar enzymatic properties in vitro (7, 8). The break with topoisomerase II has a four base stagger. Interacts with HNRNPU (via C-terminus); this interaction protects the topoisomerase TOP2A from degradation and positively regulates the relaxation of supercoiled DNA in a RNA-dependent manner (By similarity). Department of Genetics, Cell Biology, and Development, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455. Discovery. 11 (October 17, 2017). The use of temperature-sensitive mutants in topoisomerase II have demonstrated roles in the relaxation of tortional stress, reduction of recombination rates, and in the separation of sister chromatids after replication. In cells, type II topoisomerases are particularly useful for their ability to disentangle newly-replicated sister chromosomes. Current models for the enzyme's mechanism based on this result have hydrolysis of two ATPs as the last step, used . How this occurs throughout the genome is poorly understood. -type II topoisomerase that adds 2 negative supercoils-function: loose DNA (not supercoiled) --> passes one double helix through the other --> reseals--> adds 2 negative supercoils-ATP-dependent-effect: generates 2 negative supercoils, changes L by a factor of 2 There is a 27Å hole in the center of the protein large enough to comfortably encircle either a single- or double-stranded piece of DNA with no steric hindrance between the DNA sugar-phosphate backbone and protein side chains within the torus. Topoisomerase-II is crucial for chromosome Type II topoisomerases are ubiquitous enzymes in all branches of life that can alter DNA superhelicity and unlink double-stranded DNA segments during processes such as replication and transcription. To this end, four broad-based projects are currently underway. Lee et al. mately leading to cell cy cle arrest and apoptosis. For example, DNA gyrase, a type II topoisomerase observed in E. coli and most other prokaryotes, introduces negative supercoils and decreases the linking number by 2.Gyrase is also able to remove knots from the bacterial chromosome. Topoisomerase. It is 97 kDa in weight. Topoisomerase IIalpha stably interacted with RNA harboring a 3'-hydroxyl group but not with RNA possessing a 3'-phosphate group. The topoisomerase can change the topology of DNA by changing the linking number. This activity is essential for several cellular events such as DNA replication, transcription, chromosome condensation and segregation. The ATPase domain of type II topoisomerases is a member of the GHKL superfamily (named for the founding members g̲yrase, H̲sp90, histidine k̲inase, and MutL̲), which is characterized by an unconventional Bergerat ATP-binding fold. Lane 1: ab72334 at 3µg/mg whole cell lysate. Immunoprecipitation - Anti-Topoisomerase II beta/TOP2B antibody (ab72334) Immunoprecipitation/ Western Blot of Topoisomerase II beta/TOP2B. In mammals, two genes code for isoforms of topo II, termed α and β. Topoisomerase II poisons generate DNA damage, in addition to inhibition of enzyme activity, and would be expected to delay cell cycle progression by means of DNA damage checkpoints. Type II DNA topoisomerases (Tops) are ATP-dependent enzymes that catalyze topological transformations of genomic DNA by the transport of one DNA double helix through another. The regulation of DNA supercoiling is essential to DNA transcription and replication, when the DNA helix must unwind to permit the proper function of the enzymatic machinery involved in these processes. In the presence of a nonhydrolyzable ATP analog, the enzyme is known to promote a single turnover of DNA transport. Type IB Topoisomerase Functions via a Controlled Rotation Mechanism 17. Type II DNA topoisomerases are tetrameric proteins formed by two different subunits, GyrA2GyrB2 for gyrase and ParC2ParE2 for DNA topoisomerase IV 13).Requiring ATP, these enzymes act by making a transient break on the double stranded DNA, passing through an intact duplex DNA via the broken strand followed by a resealing of the transient break 14). Inhibitor molecules for topoisomerase II can be found as, Hu-331, ICRF-193, and mitindomide. Spacefill of topoisomerase II . treatment of metastatic carcinoma of the ovary and cervix and…. (In supercoiling the DNA molecule coils up like a telephone cord, which shortens the molecule. The two main subtypes of the type II topoisomerases are type IIA topoisomerase and type IIB topoisomerase. IN VITRO STUDIES* (Received for publication, March 19, 1993, and in revised form, June 16, 1993) Releases the supercoiling and torsional tension of DNA introduced during the DNA replication and transcription by transiently cleaving and rejoining one strand of the DNA duplex. Included in this category are a variety of ANTINEOPLASTIC AGENTS which target the eukaryotic form of topoisomerase II and ANTIBACTERIAL AGENTS which target the prokaryotic form of topoisomerase II. 28, Ienue of October 5, pp. A new function of Trypanosoma brucei mitochondrial topoisomerase II is to maintain kinetoplast DNA network topology Megan E. Lindsay*,1, Eva Gluenz*,2, Keith Gull2, and Paul T. Englund1 1Department of Biological Chemistry, Johns Hopkins Medical School, Baltimore, MD, USA 2Sir William Dunn School of Pathology University of Oxford, Oxford UK . topoisomerase II α (Topo II) catalyzes this resolving activity and is thus essential for mitosis in all eukaryotes (Nitiss, 2009a). We are interested in analyzing the functional roles of DNA topoisomerase II during the growth and development of Drosophila melanogaster. II. Abstract. Topoisomerase II. 21328-21334.1993 Printed in U.S.A. Function of the Hydrophilic Carboxyl Terminus of Type I1 DNA Topoisomerase from Drosophila melunogaster I. Type II topoisomerase can break DNA in a region of chromosome 11q23 that contains the ataxia telangiectasia gene (ATM). Here, we provide evidence that the C-terminal domain (CTD) of DNA topoisomerase IIα (Topo II) provides a novel function at inner centromeres of kinetochores in mitosis. (A) In type-2A enzymes (bacterial gyrase, topoisomerase IV, topoisomerase II), the N-gate, DNA gate and C-gate appear to be mechanically coupled with a double-lock rule, such that a given gate can open only if the other two are closed.This coordination minimizes the risk of the two enzyme halves from coming apart while . The type II enzymes, which encompass bacterial DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV as well as eukaryotic topoisomerase II, are multisubunit proteins, require ATP for overall catalytic activity, and modulate topology by passing an intact helix through a transient double-stranded break they create in the DNA backbone [Source 12)] Topoisomerase 2. 0000-0003-3578-6704 , Heather Edgerton 1. All type-I topoisomerases cannot carry out the full range of activities. )The topoisomerases act by transiently cutting one or both strands of the DNA. In mammalian cells, it is the target of the anthracyclines and epiphyllotoxins, widely used anticancer agents. 25 between topo I and topo II enzymes because it allows us to estimate topo II enzyme activity independent of topo I activity in vitro 3.9 Differences between DNA Topoisomerase II and Topo II Topo II has two isozymes, topo II and topo II with different molecular masses and gene loci (Lang et al., 1998; Drake et al ., 1987) (Table 1, page 13). * Inhibition of topoisomerase II by aclarubicin is indirect and does not result from covalent attachment of topoisomerase II to DNA. DNA Topology: Function of Topoisomerase 1 and 2. Answer: Prokaryotes, generally use type II topoisomerase called DNA gyrase, that introduces a nick in both the DNA strands. "Identification of a New Small Ubiquitin-like Modifier (SUMO)-Interacting Motif in the E3 Ligase PIASy." Domain structure of topoisomerase 11 enzymes from prokaryotes and eukaryotes A schematic representation of the domain structure of one prokaryotic (E coli DNA gyrase) and four eukaryotic . Function. The use of temperature-sensitive mutants in topoisomerase II have demonstrated roles in the relaxation of tortional stress, reduction of recombination rates, and in the separation of sister chromatids after replication. Type II topoisomerases increase or decrease the linking number of a DNA loop by 2 units, and it promotes chromosome disentanglement. acts as topoisomerase 1 poison, inhibiting the DNA religation…. Human topoisomerase II alpha appears to ligate the two scissile bonds of a DNA cleavage site in a nonconcerted fashion. We find that the yeast CTD is required for recruitment of the tension . Dong and Berger have described a structure of the breakage reunion domain of yeast topoisomerase II (Top2) bound to DNA 36.A key feature of the structure is the large bend induced in the DNA. Whole cell lysate from Hela cells at 1mg for IP, 20% of IP loaded. THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 0 1993 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc. Vol. Compounds that inhibit the activity of DNA TOPOISOMERASE II. Here we report a new function of the mitochondrial topoisomerase II (TbTOP2mt). It is less clear, however, whether Top2 performs the same function uniformly across the whole genome, and whether all its functions rely on decatenation. Selected Publications. Its procaryotic equivalent, DNA gyrase, is the target of the quinolones, highly successful antibacterial compounds. Detection: DAB. topoisomerase II is actively exported from the nuclease and is mediated by a CRM1-dependent pathway; Topo-II alpha is a useful marker for diagnosing liposarcoma. • Topoisomerase I relaxes DNA supercoils by permitting the cleaved duplex DNA's loosely held downstream segment to rotate relative to the tightly held upstream segment. INTRODUCTION. Therapeutic use of irinotecan. purify yeast metabolites that show activity against eukaryotic topoisomerase II (topo II). Topo II has been shown to be important for critical cellular functions such as transcription, replication, recombination and genome stability in addition to its function in the organization of chromatin architecture [26,27,28]. DNA topoisomerase II (topo II) plays a crucial role in controlling the conformation of both DNA and whole chromosomes. Faithful chromosome segregation depends on the precise timing of chromatid separation, which is enforced by checkpoint signals generated at kinetochores. Finally, the cut ends are relegated again. Topoisomerase type I cuts one strand whereas topoisomerase type II cuts both strands of the DNA to relax the coil and extend the DNA molecule. in chromatin structure and function The catalytic activities of topoisomerase II are responsible primarily for solving the complex topological problems that arise from cellular processes such as DNA replication, transcription and chromosome segregation; however, topoisomerase II may also play . Type-I topoisomerase does not use ATP molecule for its function but type-II topoisomerases use ATP molecule as an energy source to fulfill its function. Therapeutic use of topotecan. Relating Structure to Function Through the Dominant Slow Modes of Motion of DNA Topoisomerase II R. L. JERNIGAN,1 M. C. DEMIREL,1,2,3 I. BAHAR1,2,3 1 Molecular Structure Section, Laboratory of Experimental and Computational Biology, Division of Basic Sciences, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, The decatenation activity of topoisomerase II (Top2), which is widely conserved within the eukaryotic domain, is essential for chromosomal segregation in mitosis. Mammalian cells express two genetically distinct isoforms of DNA topoisomerase II, designated topoisomerase IIalphaand topoisomerase IIbeta. Current studies have delineated a number of individual steps in the catalytic . Depletion of linker histone H1.8 in Xenopus egg extracts makes chromosomes thinner and elongated (see Figure 3C, Maresca et al., 2005).We asked if this phenotype may reflect the potential role of H1.8 in regulating condensins and TOP2A (the dominant topo II isoform in Xenopus egg extracts, Wühr et al., 2014), which are essential for mitotic chromosome compaction in Xenopus egg extracts . Structural Features. Beyond its physiological functions, topoisomerase II is the target for some of the most active and widely prescribed anticancer drugs currently utilized for the treatment of human cancers. The scissile phosphodiester is attacked by the catalytic tyrosine of the enzyme, resulting in the formation of a DNA-(3 . Topoisomerase II beta mRNA was expressed in haemopoietic, epithelial and fibroblast cell lines, although to different extents, with U937 cells (promonocytic leukaemia) showing a particularly high . Three forms of DNA is most prevalent in nature: circular, linear and supercoiled.". Circular DNA is covalently closed and does not have any interruption in between nucleotides. prodrug that is concerted metabolically to active metabolite S…. Lane 2: Control IgG. This . Immunoprecipitation - Anti-Topoisomerase II alpha antibody (ab12318) Detection of Human Topo II Alpha by Western Blot and Immunoprecipitation. Topoisomerase IIα is a multifunctional enzyme that catalyzes the relaxation of supercoiled DNA, decatenation of interlinked DNA and unknotting of intramolecularly linked DNA by passing a DNA helix through a transient double-strand break in a second helix (1,2).Consistent with its role in chromosome segregation, topoisomerase II was identified as ScI (sc affold-1), a major . "Topoisomerase is a class of enzyme which helps in winding and unwinding of DNA. Here, we provide evidence that the C-terminal domain (CTD) of DNA topoisomerase IIα (Topo II) provides a novel function at inner centromeres of kinetochores in mitosis. The goal of my laboratory is to define the function and biology of eukaryotic topoisomerase II. Mondal and Parvin (2001) demonstrated that DNA topoisomerase II-alpha is associated with the pol II holoenzyme and is a required component of chromatin-dependent coactivation. Catalytic function of DNA topoisomerase II Catalytic function of DNA topoisomerase II Osheroff, Neil; Zechiedrich, E. Lynn; Gale, Kevin C. 1991-06-01 00:00:00 Catalytic Cycle of Topoisomerase II Topoisomerase I1 alters the topological statc of nucleic acids by passing an intact helix of DNA through a transient doublc-stranded break which it generates in a separate DNA This double-stranded D N . Binding Cleavage Religation & Release 18. of topoisomerase II I -4 _ . NX_Q02880 - TOP2B - DNA topoisomerase 2-beta - Function. Full size table Daunorubicin and doxorubicin also undergo redox cycling and generate oxygen free radicals, which can have a variety of effects, including damage to cell membranes but also provides a third . In the 1970s, James C. Wang was the first to discover a topoisomerase when he identified E. coli topoisomerase I. Topo EC-codes are as follows: ATP-independent (type I), EC; ATP-dependent (Type II): EC Topoisomerase II is a homodimer, which functions by clamping onto DNA, positioning its catalytic residues next to two Mg ions and the DNA backbone. 2,3,8 These topoisomerase-I targeting dr ugs appear more specific to the S or DNA synthesis specific phase of the cell cycle.2,3 While topoisomerase-I causes single-strand DNA breaks, topoisomerase-II itself induces transient double-strand DNA breaks. Significantly, the type I topoisomerase do not use energy for the removal of supercoils, but the type II topoisomerase uses energy derived from ATP. Circular DNA is found in . Abstract DNA topoisomerases solve the topological problems associated with DNA replication, transcription, recombination, and chromatin remodeling by introducing temporary single- or double-strand breaks in the DNA. First, the enzymatic mechanism, active sites, and structure of topoisomerase II are being characterized. Mirella L. Meyer-Ficca, Julia D. Lonchar, Motomasa Ihara, Marvin L. Meistrich, Caroline A. Austin, and Ralph G. Meyer "Poly(ADP-Ribose) Polymerases PARP1 and PARP2 Modulate Topoisomerase II Beta (TOP2B) Function During Chromatin Condensation in Mouse Spermiogenesis," Biology of Reproduction 84(5), 900-909, (12 January 2011). INTRODUCTION. this essential function, either topoisomerase can provide a swivel for the fork movement during replication or transcrip-tion. Similarities Between Topoisomerase I and II. Topoisomerase IIα is a multifunctional enzyme that catalyzes the relaxation of supercoiled DNA, decatenation of interlinked DNA and unknotting of intramolecularly linked DNA by passing a DNA helix through a transient double-strand break in a second helix (1,2).Consistent with its role in chromosome segregation, topoisomerase II was identified as ScI (sc affold-1), a major . Mechanical couplings for gate opening and closure in type-2 topoisomerases. The ATM gene controls all of the DNA damage-responsive cell cycle checkpoints. Topotecan Mechanism of Action. The 67K N-terminal fragment of topoisomerase I is a single polypeptide with extensive secondary structure . ab72334 at 0.1µg/ml for WB. The gene encoding topoisomerase II in yeast is unique and essential, required for both mitotic and meiotic proliferation. 79,80,81 The . In vertebrate cells, topoisomerase II was shown to be . The gene encoding topoisomerase II in yeast is unique and essential, required for both mitotic and meiotic proliferation. A noncatalytic function of the topoisomerase II CTD in Aurora B recruitment to inner centromeres during mitosis Heather Edgerton. It does not need ATP hydrolyzing to catalyze the topological rearrangement of DNA. Relating Structure to Function Through the Dominant Slow Modes of Motion of DNA Topoisomerase II R. L. JERNIGAN,1 M. C. DEMIREL,1,2,3 I. BAHAR1,2,3 1 Molecular Structure Section, Laboratory of Experimental and Computational Biology, Division of Basic Sciences, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland 20892-5677 2 Chemical Engineering Department & Polymer . Kaur, K, H Park, N Pandey, Y Azuma, and R N De Guzman. On the contrary, most eukaryotes utilize type I topoisomerases, that cut a single strand of DNA, during the movement of the replication fork.Type I Topoisomerases (creates s. DNA gyrase is an enzyme which belongs to the type IIA topoisomerase. Figure 01: Topoisomerase I and II The Ecoli topoisomerase I is a holoenzyme with three Zn (II) atoms in the tetracysteine motifs near its carboxy terminus. The goal of this work is to analyze both expression and function of topoisomerases during the meiotic stages of mammalian spermatogenesis. Topoisomerase alpha is showns as a monomer and topoisomerase beta is shown as a dimer. The type II enzymes, which encompass bacterial DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV as well as eukaryotic topoisomerase II, are multisubunit proteins, require ATP for overall catalytic activity, and modulate topology by passing an intact helix through a transient double-stranded break they create in the DNA backbone 87-89 It is located in the N-terminal, or GyrB homology domain of topoisomerase II (residues 29-264 in . Although traditionally thought to reattach minicircle progeny to the network, here we show that it also mends holes in the network created by minicircle release. Interacts with MCM3AP isoform GANP (PubMed: 23652018 ). Chung et al. Especially, the function of topoisomerase II is essential for the functioning of all living organisms and cells that lack this enzyme are rendered unviable. Topoisomerase II is a universally essential enzyme ( Watt and Hickson, 1994 ). In addition, these enzymes fine-tune the steady-state level of DNA supercoiling both to facilitate protein interactions with the DNA and to prevent excessive supercoiling that is . When measured in decatenation and relaxation assays, RNA binding influenced the catalytic function of topoisomerase IIalpha to regulate DNA topology. We find that the yeast CTD is required for recruitment of the tension checkpoint kinase Ipl1/Aurora B to inner centromeres in metaphase but is not required in interphase. Modulating TCA cycle flux affects the cytotoxicity of topo II-targeting drugs, indicating that TCA cycle metabolism regulates topo II function in cells. Watt and Hickson (1994) reviewed in extenso the structure and function of type II DNA topoisomerases. The general mechanism for the type II topos begins with the binding of one DNA duplex, termed the gate segment (G-segment), at the DNA gate. In mammals, there are 2 isoforms of DNA Top II, termed Top IIα and Top IIβ. The patterns of expression of topoisomerase I and topoisomerase IIα genes were followed on Northern blots of RNA from testes of mice of different ages and from specific germ cell populations. Interacts with ERCC6 (PubMed: 26030138 ). LExmoTd, ZNeYGiA, JXme, gRg, zuTpae, okJhOi, sPjbzqj, zalP, vYNxDZL, JYYcX, KHNx,
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